Wednesday, July 17, 2013

beautiful and unexpected part 3...

(I really am writing all this out so I can remember it all and share it with Ivy-Ann in years to come, along with the exchange of emails between Chris and me. Feel free to just skip the details and look at the pictures, if you'd like!)

The next morning I woke up and immediately checked my email. I hadn't slept much the night before. They are 13 hours ahead of us in China, so at some point while I should've been sleeping, Chris was giving Ivy-Ann our things and introducing her to us. I spent most of that night thinking, dreaming and praying.

But when I checked that morning, there was no email. I admit I was a little disappointed, but I also knew that Chris had so much going on, and I just assumed she was already in bed after a big day. I was also so thrilled with the pictures and emails I had already received from her.

A couple of hours later, though, I heard my phone notifying me of an email. I had not just one email from Chris but six! She had stayed up late that night because she wanted to share all of this with us. The first email was a beautiful recap of the time she spent with Ivy-Ann. That morning they played pattycake and enjoyed each other. After lunch, when it was nap-time, Chris asked if Ivy-Ann could come with her into another room to go through our things without interruption. I started crying at this. Chris understood how special and important this was to us, and it had become special and important to her as well.

Here are a just a few of the pictures Chris shared with us of their time together...

This one wrapped up their time together. I am just in awe at all of this. As I told Chris...only a loving Father could orchestrate this. I am so thankful that God chose Chris to be the one to share this special time with Ivy-Ann. I couldn't have hand-picked anyone better, and I am so thankful for the special bond they now have.

Through these emails, I learned much about the heart of the woman spending time with our Ivy-Ann. She values these children. To her they are precious and worthy of her time, attention and love. She didn't just look at our request as a task to be checked off her to-do list at the end of the day. She viewed herself as a messenger sent to do her Father's work, part of which was to introduce our little girl to her family. We had no idea what to expect when we sent Chris our box of things. We have been blessed beyond anything we could imagine. She is truly a treasured gift.

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